
目前顯示的是 7月, 2022的文章

a lets think on dicey dungeon(reunion dlc witch)

goal: 4 5-pips interesting item:hook shot which means one of the other items is going to be used again and what pip dice should i put into it? 2,4 or 6? >vise grip+hookshot mostly likely the move that will let me reach my goal to use vise grip and make 5s i will need 1+6 so i need 2 pairs of 1+6 now my first move is most likely to be chipel as it makes 1 time to test out my theorys i ran out of dices new thory >chipsel+hookshot as it makes 5s easily   this is it ------------------------------------------------------------- goal: 3 6-pip shock:need to a sacrifice a dice if i want to bump mightnight charm:seems the way to go if i want to make 6pips generates 12 value but takes 10 value fury+midnight charm seems unlikely as i do not have enough dice 2 use of spatula will get me 10value good enough as a first try time to improvise fury+spatula(2) :thinking: what went wrong? maybe the one i should fury is bump 5+1 =6 5+1 = 6 >reset this path must be wrong >reset now that i ...