
sugihime edition ver 0.1

welcome,to the most absurd "faith" in the world https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/neptunia/images/5/5e/Neptune%27s_Dream_-_HiRes.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20160726215027 everyones favorite Q and A section: Q:name? A:sugihime Q:what does it mean? A:its a ship between suguri and hime Q:what does the picture above mean? A:thats nep nep,she neps and we neps Q:why does this faith-like thingy exists? A:human minds are "weak" thus they need something to support them something to remind them in the dark and give them a "hope" to move forward again Q:what do we believe in? on the surface,we pray to suguri and hime to bless us. but if we go deeper,they are both guardians of humanity,with suguri guarding earth for 46 billion years. now you might be thinking why am i sporting nonsense,but now its the time you pay attention. what we truly believe in,is "love" both suguri and hime are fighting for humanity with "love" to humani...

a lets think on dicey dungeon(reunion dlc witch)

goal: 4 5-pips interesting item:hook shot which means one of the other items is going to be used again and what pip dice should i put into it? 2,4 or 6? >vise grip+hookshot mostly likely the move that will let me reach my goal to use vise grip and make 5s i will need 1+6 so i need 2 pairs of 1+6 now my first move is most likely to be chipel as it makes 1 time to test out my theorys i ran out of dices new thory >chipsel+hookshot as it makes 5s easily   this is it ------------------------------------------------------------- goal: 3 6-pip shock:need to a sacrifice a dice if i want to bump mightnight charm:seems the way to go if i want to make 6pips generates 12 value but takes 10 value fury+midnight charm seems unlikely as i do not have enough dice 2 use of spatula will get me 10value good enough as a first try time to improvise fury+spatula(2) :thinking: what went wrong? maybe the one i should fury is bump 5+1 =6 5+1 = 6 >reset this path must be wrong >reset now that i ...

A lets play and lets think on gamemaker :tm: by a newbie(basically a devlog i guees?)

notice:  most boring and really unhelpful stuff will be cut out,so this isnt the full version  disclaimer: take what i wrote with a grain of sand because i am literally a newbie to GML LOL(but i do have some experience to programming) you need to think and doubt what i wrote is correct or not,do not blindly copy my actions,because everyone have their own way of doing things that is most suitable for them 2/22/2022: just reading the manual and also debugging the manual lol 2/23: started watching shaun's 2d platformer tutorial series i chose a tutorial because well i only intended to learn the basic bread and butters of GM2 such as collision system and well just how GML works in general never intended to make it into a full game but plans always get thrown out of the window if you noticed it,i changed walksp into walkspd,because code(and by extension variable names) that are easy to read are really important(by saving you a lot of trouble in the future) to me,the first thought i...